Tuesday, May 17, 2016

solar @ Blackheath Pool

Friends of Blackheath Pool & Memorial Park has recently applied to the 2016 of SUEZ Community Grants for initial funding to begin a project to bring solar energy to Blackheath Pool.
SUEZ grants byline is "creating a sustainable future".

Our end goal is to render Blackheath Pool complex completely energy self-sufficient.

Our application seeks to fund a preliminary feasibility study.

With recent advances in solar technology, both increasing efficiency of energy conversion, and reduction in cost & size of solar collectors, we hope to be able to find a suitable solution. 

We made mention not only of heating of Pool swimming water, but also the electrical power used by the filtration plant & circulation system.  The second being by far the greatest cost barrier to keeping The Pool open for longer seasons.

Blackheath Area Neighbourhood Centre (BANC) kindly agreed to auspice our application, which made the whole process much smoother.

We also received a very supportive letter from Member for Blue Mountains Trish Doyle.

BMCC's Blue Mountains Leisure Centres management - who run all our pools - have also been very supportive when the topic has been discussed.  And the incoming Rhododendron Festival Committee has also expressed support.

We'll keep you posted on developments.