Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Park TOILETS issue at Council 10-May-11

Two years ago, Council’s own proposal to spend $400,000 on brand new toilets at Blackheath Memorial Park prompted FoBP&MP to suggest sharing the existing TOILETS at Blackheath Pool, consequently SAVING Council perhaps $300,000.  So, in March last year, Council requested a Report to look into this matter.   FoBP&MP found the resulting report inadequate.  So we suggested a deferral of any decisions, ahead of a more considered report, with a more creative solution.

AT COUNCIL 10-May-11
The Memorial Park / Blackheath Pool fence line & year-round access to toilets matter came back to Council last Tuesday.  Sadly it didn’t go as we hoped.

FoBP&MP felt the report in the Business Paper & Option B (the recommendation) lost the central notion of our suggestion – to share the Pavilion toilets with Park users.

So we spoke against the recommendation, & Cr Gibbs raised a deferral motion on our behalf – requesting a more in depth report.  Cr Mays seconded this deferral motion.

Ward 4 Crs Greenhill & Creed spoke strongly against our deferral motion.
They persisted in seeing our position as a proposal to SPEND MORE on Blackheath Pool, & seemed unable to conceive that we were bringing a matter to Council that would SAVE money.
Four Councillors were absent – Crs Hamilton, McLaren, Luchetti & Clark - however the debate lasted a good half hour!!
Their position won.
No deferral, and report recommendations rejected.

This means the $400K allocation remains in Capital Works forward estimates for 2012-13 for a new separate toilet block.
And this proposed new toilet block remains in the Park Plan of Management.
So we don’t feel this is a huge loss.

We are forging links with those involved in the Child Friendly City proposals (adequate toilets being critical to kid-friendly parks) AND hope to revisit this matter, possibly in tandem with a ‘centenary of WW1’ rejuvenation of the Memorial Park.

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