Saturday, February 27, 2010

balance tank 'plot' rumour quashed

Initially Friends of Blackheath Pool & Memorial Park were most concerned to hear a decision on repairing Blackheath Pool’s damaged balance tank was deferred at Council (see previuos post below). 

However, following discussions with Councillors we understand the deferral motion was made on sound financial management grounds. BMCC is in the midst of annual budget planning, so deferral allows time to find money to fix the balance tank.

FoBP&MP is convinced that rumours there’s a plot to close the Pool are absolutely untrue & are counterproductive.  We look forward to collaborating with Councillors & staff on achieving a balance tank fix in time for the start of the 2010/2011 season.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

BALANCE TANK issue at BMCC Tues 23 Feb 2010

At Council on Tuesday night the BALANCE TANK matter was deferred by a majority vote of Councillors to allow time to find the estimated $200-250,000 fix money!
2010-02-23 Council Meeting: AGENDA

Prior to this season the Blackheath Pool balance tank failed & a temporary fix was made so the Pool could open on time.  During the renovation work 2003-2006 Blackheath Pool Advisory Group was assured the Balance Tank was sound & did NOT need replacement.

Business Paper of Tues 23 Feb 2010
A report to Council by BM City Services highlights:
“...that the new structure be piered to bedrock to prevent the additional mass on the existing floor causing settlement and subsequent cracking of the shell of the adjacent freeform pool.”

• As former BPAG advisors to Council during to the 2003-2006 remediation, FoBP&MP understood that the whole site was piered to bedrock during works. If this is the case some of the $200-250K costs may be defrayed;

• FoBP&MP finds it MOST disappointing that engineering assessment of the balance tank at the time of the remediation work led BPAG to believe the balance tank was secure for another decade.
Perhaps this offers Council some recourse to recoup monies on grounds of poor engineering advice?

“ is expected to take six months to complete including the design phase.”

• Time is of the essence with an off-season of just eight months April to November 2010.
FoBP&MP is making a case for an early opening of The Pool in the 2010/11 Season – this would shorten the off-season to seven months. Blackheath Chamber of Commerce & Community support this proposal.

Most importantly FoBP&MP notes:

“...It is not considered an option to not proceed with this work, as this will ultimately result in the closure of the pool complex.”

• And CLOSURE OF THE POOL is clearly NOT an option for the Blackheath Community either!

excerpts from BMCC Business Paper
USING LAND FOR LIVING Item 21, Ordinary Meeting, 23.02.10
Item 21: Tender for Design and Construct Balance Tank at Blackheath Pool (4,019.9kb)
FILE NO: F05498 - 10/14451

1. That the Council note that no tenders were received for the design and construction of a new balance tank at Blackheath Pool; and
2. That the Council resolve that the work be carried out by BM City Services in accordance with s178 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

Report by Acting Group Manager, BM City Services
Reason for report
This report is submitted in order to obtain the necessary resolution to proceed with the replacement of the balance tank at Blackheath Pool, as required under the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 


As a result of the lack of tenders received and the latent risk associated with this work, it is recommended that BM City Services undertake the design and construction of a new balance tank at Blackheath Pool in order for the pool complex to be operating in time for the 2010/11 summer season.

FULL REPORT 2010-02-23 Council Meeting: Using Land for Living (NB this is a larger than 4.0MB Adobe Acrobat file)